Sunday, 10 April 2016

The Chronicles of Hormones, Laziness, Weight Gain, Wakeup call and shaanti (1.5 to 30)

It has been a while since my last post and well I am here to catch up. (edit: Well,  kind off I had one massive post that rambled on a lot of things, so I will be sectioning these off) 

I have debated on what to write and what to post so here goes. I will over the course of the next months talk about what taking hormones has done to me. Where my laziness has brought me - hence the weight gain in the title. What became my wake up call and how I am achieving my Shaanti / peace.

So stay tuned ! also much more to be posted on the blog not just miserable nonsense

love you all
 - V -

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess - A book you don't want to miss!

Back in September I had the opportunity to work with Lauren Elliott. We did an Egyptian Goddess Photoshoot. If you haven't had a chance to take a look at it - DO IT NOW! lol she looks absolutely amazing in these!!!

I remember when Lauren and I were discussing the style of the shoot I joked around and said that I was probably going to need to get her autograph just in case and well I am certainly tempted now to blowup one of my images and getting her to do so!

When you meet Lauren you might be a bit intimidated ( like I was ) - she is absolutely stunning and incredibly fit. So the first thing you do when getting close is breathe in and tuck in your stomach and try to talk lol - at least that is what I do.  I have a friend (Katie Seggie) that has helped in several of my shoots with Lauren and we both agree - She makes you want to hop in front of a treadmill after you see her. But she has achieved these goals through hard work and dedication - And she is human, so with a few bumps along the way and a few struggles as many of us have she has stayed true to her focus and goals.

But above that she is an absolute sweetheart, super funny, an outgoing individual and incredibly motivational - I am so happy to have her as a friend in my life.

SO I am beyond HONOURED that she chose some of the images that we took on our fall shoot for her book - HER BOOK COVER!!! I am beyond thrilled and excited!! And humbled that she chose my images for her cover.

Check it out!!

Here is a small overview of her book taken from Lauren's site:
"Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess is not a flowery, hand-holding self help tome. With relentless optimism, cheeky encouragement, and little patience for excuses, its author pushes readers to stretch their boundaries and comfort zones and choose positivity above all else. Using examples from her own life's struggles and her successful experience in cognitive therapy and other healing modalities, L.K. Elliott challenges readers to “buck up” and take her tried and true advice to make their lives happier." 

So check her Facebook Page here -----> Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess to follow her awesome posts as well to stay in tune for her book release and so much more!

You can also take a look at her website Beauty and A Beast for updates on this ladies amazing journey!

Her book is also on pre - order on -----------> Friesen Press I have mine pre ordered already!!

I sat down with Lauren a couple of weeks back and said that we have to showcase some fierce images of her to reflect the empowered nature that I truly believe she has and also to do some editorial photos. The editorial images I will show in a different post as I am still working on them. But I will take this opportunity to thank Katie for helping Lauren and me with these photoshoots!

Now in the meantime here are a few images of Lauren!
Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

And here is your's truly with Lauren! Katie left before we were able to get these so unfortunately we didn't get a group picture. 

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

Model: Lauren Elliot 
MUA: Vanessa Wennerstrom
Hair: Katie Seggie and Vanessa Wennerstrom

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to stay in touch  -
Also don't forget to share the love!

- V -

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The baby whisperer - Precious Expressions Photography

So this post has been one I have been writing for a long time, in no way am I a writer or a journalist and when having to write about one of my peers well, I have to make sure I do it right.

As a photographer I have several colleagues that I admire. Their work is a constant reminder of where and the kind of photographer I would like to be. Each of them have their own unique style and it is absolutely beautiful. As I carry out this blog I am hoping I have the opportunity to sit down and talk to these incredible photographers and share their success.

This past summer  - yea I know- I was able to talk to Natasha from Precious Expressions Photography - many of you have more than likely seen her work.. Whenever anyone talks about newborn photography in town one of the first names that you hear is hers. At least I have, and if anyone ask's me about a great baby photographer - she is the first name to come to mind. I was also able to take pictures of her - SO INTIMIDATING!!! But I am beyond happy of having the opportunity to take these - and she looks stunning! Throughout this post you will be able to see these photos.

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

As my first interview EVER, it was nerve wracking! so please bare with me.. Originally I wanted to make this post as an actual interview and I have changed my mind several times with it. As you can see it has taken me FOREVER to post this - truth is I wanted to make this a formal interview and now it is all about showcasing the Amazing individual this talented photographer is from my side.

On that day Natasha and I sat down, sipped on some lemon raspberry lemonade and chatted over her journey in becoming the Talented photographer she is today.

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography
She as all of us started with little to no knowledge on DSLR cameras, a regular point and shoot was what she had been using before her husband gave her a DSL Camera. Her first DSLR was a Nikon D300 and she learned to use it without the Auto setting since day one. She has now upgraded to a D700 (Nikon).

She has been taking pictures for over five and a half years and has been in the Photography Business for the last 4 years. Her daughters newborn pictures were the first set of newborn photos.  And since then when it comes to trying out new photoshoots and ideas her daughter has been the first ( e. Cake smash)

 As a photographer myself I find sometimes getting impatient, wanting the perfect shot right away and I have learned and still yet to learn that it is practice, practice, practice and that we all start small. 

First set of backdrops that Natasha started were a set of Black sheets and a set of White sheets. And now she has quite a bit of variety of backdrops, floors and accessories for your little ones.

Natasha loves doing Newborn (posed) photography as well as Smash the cake sessions and Maternity sessions. She also does Family sessions (posed) indoor and outdoor. She has been adapting to the Lifestyle sessions and has done a few destination weddings and Trash the Dress Sessions.

While asking her about the types of sessions that she does you can definitely see her love for newborn and maternity." I just love the babies" and referring to the Maternity sessions was " There is always something about talking to the parents and seeing how close they are and how genuinely excited they are - expecting moms feeling beautiful" and for all her sessions " people looking at their photos and enjoying them"  - from our conversation and asking her questions I could see her light up when talking about her shoots and showing her passion for photography and her caring nature for her clients. 

She definitely is a people person, when asked what is it like working with people her response was:
 " I love the interaction with them, and making good connections"

We also talked about photographers that inspire her, and one of the photographers that she mentioned was Robin Long. She lit up again when talking about her experience with Robin, she was able to do 1 on 1 mentor-ship with her in Oregon. "She is an Amazing photographer, not just her work but her personality"

Another photographer she mentioned was Amanda Padgett workshops with her helped her gain full knowledge on using her camera.

It was pretty inspiring for me to do this with Natasha, talk to her about her passion and her love for her clients. She has grown so much as a photographer in the last years. Learned from her experiences and with her ongoing training and workshops she is constantly learning more and more to expand her knowledge in photography. 
Copyright - Vintage Blossoms Photography
One of the main things that she mentioned that day that one that will stick with me for my photography and art is " I am a mom first - I love photography and my business, but i treat it as my passion not my business"

She loves taking photos and is blessed that taking photos is her job - and she is happy.
Thank you Natasha for giving me the oportunity to do this post - and for all of you thank you for taking the time to read and check out some of Natasha's work below! and Remember to check her out on Facebook!

- V -
Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Friday, 26 December 2014

"Thank you"

Today I woke up writing a post about our Christmas dinner and writing the recipe for such dinner for you to review. Usually not all the time I have my FB open in the background and hear the dings every so often when someone I have as a favorite post's ( I do this with friends and family just so I don't miss what is going on with their lives) and today since the writing of a recipe is not really my thing I wondered off to Face book when I heard that Ding.

I graduated from highschool with some incredible people when I was in Venezuela and one of those incredible people just recently started up his on VBlog and his first post brought tears to my eyes and made me want to hug and hold those dear to my heart just a little closer. I thought about extending this post to details of what he wrote but instead I encourage you to stop by his blog The Rookie Doctor's Diary  and read his post..

 While some of us open presents, eat and drink - sometimes we forget to look back and see the people around us to be grateful of what we have and to think of those that may be going through a tough situation..

Thinking of every one of you with Love,


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

DIY - Santa Wrapping - Release the Artist within!


I know it is a bit late perhaps to write this post - however if you are still looking for some ideas to wrap your presents.
I love crafts and painting and I do believe that adding a personal touch to your wrapping makes them even more special!

Here is a finished one -


- Kraft Paper
- Tape
- A pencil
- Acrylic Paint - (or Watercolor)
- Black Sharpie (thin and regular size)
- Images for guidelines (I found mine on Pinterest - So many ideas!)

So here we GO!
Wrap your present with the Kraft paper. Pick out the design you want to place on the present! again Pinterest is a great place to find ideas.
Trace out your image on the paper - Don't be concerned if the sketch isn't perfect I promise it will look great in the end. All you need is an outline for you to start painting

- Here is my outline - 

After the outline is done pick your acrylic paint start painting in your outlines, I water mine down a bit so it doesn't go on to thick.  If you water down the paint it also does not leave a sharp line, This makes it easier in case you miss the outline that you did - So again if you are off a bit DONT WORRY! You can also use water colors but if you are trying to not spend a lot of money stick to acrylics - you can find decent acrylics at walmart for a great price!

Here is the painted outlines! doesn't look all that great

Here is a close up of the paint - Not a perfect job I went over some lines and under for others

 After the paint dries, go through the whole painting with a sharpie, I would use the thicker sharpie for the outside layers and leave the thin sharpie for the details ( eyes, nose, hears) 

Here is the finished product!

Here are a couple of before and Afters so you can see some ideas as well -
Painting and pencil outline
Paint and Sharpie Outline

  A favorite of mine!

 Close up of the before and after from Painting to the Sharpie out line - a Basic painting can change with highlighting the details of the image

For the Minnie and Mickey image here is the paint I used and the sharpie, as well for the colors I also used white and red - Totally forgot to place them for the image lol 

Here is another quick note for these wrappings - Use sharpie to add any names, quotes or wishes - and to give them an extra touch add little dots at the end of each line changes the style of the handwriting completely 

Talking about details, I added some more lines to try and simulate movement and it adds more to the image - not quite sure if you can see it but just a thought if you decide to do these ..

So here are some of the paintings that I did - I might update this post after Christmas with all of the rest of the images. But as for this post, if you decide to do these you can go as complex or simple as you like - at the end of the day they will still look awesome!

In case I don't finish all of my other post's that i am hoping to finish for today then I wish you all a Wonderful Christmas / Holiday - for you, family and friends . .. 

Love, V

Peaches & Apricots

Top 10 Favorites!

Ok so first, I realize many blogs post about their favorite recommendation of products they have but I think the more the better! there is always going to be products that someone else is using that you had NO idea it would work miracles on you! In saying that not everyone is the same so what works for you may not work for me and vice versa. We have to remember skin and hair types are not the same
so for most of the face products are for mixed to oily skin. Although I have many other products on this list that are not for the face! I may post more favorites later on since these are not my only favorites but for sure the top ones.

1. Fresh - Seaberry Moisturizing Face Oil

I really enjoy this oil. I use it in the evenings after I have washed and exfoliated my skin. Since my skin is mixed/oily I am prone to acne and I found that if I use the Fresh oil without exfoliating I break out. So I would suggest using a mild exfoliator to remove any impurities (left over makeup, dust and dead skin) to allow you face to absorb the nutrients and ingredients of this oil.

Main ingredients are:
 Omega 3,6,7 and 9: that help your skins elasticity, it softens as well as it soothes your face. Perfect for relaxing before your beauty sleep
- Seaberry Oil
-Cranberry Seed Oil: a great antioxidant for your skin

I recommend using it at night during the summer and you can use it at night and during the day in winter since skin tends to dry out in the cold weather. Use 2-3 drops on your finger tips and spread on your face and tap, let it absorb (if mixed with moisturizer for the day apply 2 drops and let it set in and apply your makeup) This oil paired with some moisturizer in the winter has become my new best friend!

you can find it online, I purchased mine at Sephora

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

2. Saje - Tantra Sensuos Mist

So I got my first care package of Saje from one of my friends for my bridal shower and I am hooked!
This is one of my favorite products that they have. It was part of the package my friend got me and I have since bought more! I use this before bed or during the day - if I am agitated and need to center back again I use it as well. Two words to describe it Relaxing and Soothing. I pair this one with the Seaberry Oil we just talked about. Spray a bit in the air and walk through the mist, breath and relax. Or you could spray it directly on your face just keep your mouth and eyes closed!

Lavender: used for relaxation and in aid of stress and anxiety  
Sandalwood: relaxes and aids with sleep
Vanilla Infusion: stress relief
Rosewood: antiseptic, anti depressant and aphrodisiac .. - oh la la  -
Green Mandarin: helps with anxiety and stress tension 
Patchouli: helps with Stress and fatigue - Patchouli is also good for hair and eczema
Purified Water - I think this one speaks for itself

So as you can see this is pretty much stress relief in a bottle! Also for all you yogi's out there spraying a bit on the matt and on yourself before a session is awesome! many of the ingredients are also antiseptic and disinfectant so it serves as a cleanser and deodorizer for your matt
Saje also carries many different products that we will review in the upcoming posts but if you cant wait that long stop by there page ---> Saje  and check out all of their goodies!

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

3. Ciaté - Speed coat pro

Ok so as an inside note I would like to go out in the open and say I have addictions.. many of them and believe me we will touch on them (not in one post though) and perhaps we might share some of them.. But as for my first: Nail polish. I love getting my nails done! any color so many different designs to pick from.
I will set time to do them and I will do fancy drawings/designs on them and after I have spent x amount of hours on them and I believe they are dry - they smudge (!#$$%&)  All that time trying to fix your nails for them to crap out. 
Yep I had many of those, but then I found Ciaté's  Speed Coat Pro and it is AWESOME! it dries out the nail polish (not extremely fast) but fast enough that it does not get damaged! and it helps preventing color from pealing off 
Their nail accessories are really cute to and love their nail polish colors too. Check out their page to view and select out of their many colors! -- > Ciaté
And for a closer store you can also check out Sephora.

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

4. Bliss Kiss - Pure Nail Oil
Talk about addicting! I LOVE this! once I am done painting my nails this goes on and I usually try to use it once or twice a day and it works wonders for my cuticles. I splurge a bit more and end up using on my hands and they are not dry anymore!

- Jojoba Wax ester
- Grape Seed Oil
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Tea Tree Oil
- Vitamin E Oil
- Vitamin A Oil
- Essential Oil Blend

Check out their page and read on some reviews and a couple of more details regarding this product.
Pure Nail Oil and check out more products that they have!

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

5. Thayers - Rose Petal

Toner - it does wonders for your face and balances your PH levels and soothes your skin. However not every toner works for all types of skin and that is based on their ingredients. I personally break out with some of them and as far as face products go I love Clinique out of all products it works wonders on my skin - However I have tried all their Toners and they dry out my skin quite a bit.
My sister got me hooked with the Thayers Rose Petal and Witch Hazel Toner and it also has Aloe Vera

It is Alcohol and paraben free. The Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera are wonderful to help with Acne and they are also  antibacterial
I have heard references regarding that the taste of it is horrible and that if it gets in your eyes it stings like crazy - but here is the thing, Don't ingest it and Don't get it in the eyes
You could also do home made rose water - ( we will do this later on)

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

6. EradiKate - KAte Somerville

If you have issues with Acne and have tried every kind of cream and treatment for acne - Check this one out!! it smells quite a bit strong specially when applying it close to the nose
I don't usually get a lot of acne, but when I do get acne they tend to be MASSIVE - and I know I am not the only one! Wondering around Sephora I found this beauty ... and I am amazed on how great it works.

To Use:
  • Do not Shake! you should be able to see the liquid inside almost like you would Oil and Water.
  • Wash your face and prep with your night routine. Avoid putting any creams or toner on the affected area
  • Dip a Q'tip in the jar 
  • Dab the Q'tip on the acne and let dry
  • Leave over night
  • Wash your face in the morning and proceed with your morning routine!
Note: you can apply this twice a day (morning and night) I usually only apply it at night
it clears your acne without having to pick at your face and damage your skin!

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography
7. Oil of Marocco - Marc Anthony

I love soft healthy hair - problem is how many times I have dyed my hair and every so often it looks like one of those metal scrubs you use for the kitchen.. Yup!
I first ran into this I was getting a bit tired of spending money on tons of different hair products and decided to try the Oil of Marocco, and I LOVE it! it feels a bit greasy when you start applying it but it definitely does the Trick!

I only apply 2-3 drops on my ends (after I shower) since my roots are pretty healthy and tend to get greasy if i apply ANY kind of product. After this I style it as usual.

if you are looking for a low budget hair repair product  - try this one out!, you can get it at any grocery store.

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography
8. Lip Glow - Dior

Yes, this is a bit on the $$ side but it is one of my to go to lip glosses.  It is absolutely smooth and I love how it plumps up the lips! You might feel a little bit of  a tingle on the lips but nothing to crazy

Note: the color of this lipgloss changes from person to person - It brightens up the natural color of your lips so it depends on the color of your lips.
Add this on top of colored lipstick and Purfection!!
Perfect for some New Year Lips! Sephora and Shoppers carry this Lip Balm

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

9. Smith's Minted Rose Lip Balm

The first thing that got me hooked on this was the smell - weird I know. At my Bridal shower a friend was using this and I was extremely curious about this mint smelling lip gloss.
I know I say this lots but I LOVE THIS! I have extremely chapped lips and once I started using the lip balm and it makes a huge difference!

Some comments that I have heard -
for some it smells like talc and it is uncomfortable and sticky to get out of the container. 

To me - I smell more of the mint than anything else and there is some mild rose scent to is as well.
as for the container issue, I place it on directly on my lips from the container without using my fingers!

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

10. The Fab Pore - Facial Peel

Ok, so personally ALL of Fab products are great! I have several of them and they work awesome! So far I have found these at Shoppers, a bit on the pricey side so perhaps try using one of their products and check out how they work for you.
So there are definitely a lot of mixed reviews for this product and they are ALL valid, some people don't notice the difference and there are others that love it. I am in the love group.

I have mixed skin so it is at times difficult to find at times something that works. On the container it says facial peel, however it is more of an exfoliator. I think the one downfall for me is on the cheek side it makes them feel a bit stretchy afterwards. I apply a moisturizer and then it feels awesome. Due to this I have started using it on my forehead and chin and no more tense feeling on the cheeks!

Another thing to consider is you need to have a couple of applications before noticing changes on your skin - I recommend using this once a week for mixed skin users.

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography
11. Dark Angels by Lush

Another Face scrub I love - I use this scrub 1 - 2 times a week. I have mixed skin so it tends to go super oily and dry all at the same time! but it is also extremely sensitive so using this everyday for me is not an option. This is used as a scrub but I also leave it on as a mask. After, I use the Rose Toner and love the way my face feels!! There are definitely many more products from lush that I love but this one is perhaps my absolute favorite!!

With all this Christmas partying and makeup give your face a little lift with this! 

Photography: Vintage Blossoms Photography

A bit of a long post! however - Here are my TOP 10. There are definitely more since I am a bit of a hair/makeup/clothes Junkie but these are high up there. 

Enjoy and if you use these and have other notes LET ME KNOW! And also let us know about your Favorite 10!

Love, V

Peaches & Apricots

Thursday, 13 November 2014

A hope for Love

Hey guys,

Today I would like to post on behalf of a good friend of mine. As you have read from previous posts I am from Venezuela, and that is where I left a great deal of friends as well as most of my family.
I did 1st grade in a school called  U.E Araguaney and the people I met there became my family for the next 11 years. As a group we went through a lot specially in our graduation year and we grew even more together.

After I moved to Canada I did loose a bit of touch with them but I still look them up and see how their lives are doing and making sure they are ok.
I have one friend that got married earlier this year and it is about her and her husband that I will be making reference in this post.

Selena is probably one of the most sweet and caring individuals I have ever met. It was bound that she was to marry a sweet guy and live happily ever after - At least that's what you want for your friends as cheesy as it may sound.

Selena and Daniel married this past January (2014)

and now several months after their wedding this beautiful couple is going through probably one of hardest things they will have to face in their life. Daniel was diagnosed 3 months ago with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma - here is a brief extract from the Canadian Cancer Society Website:

"Because lymphocytes are found throughout the lymphatic system, NHL can start almost anywhere in the body. It usually starts in a group of lymph nodes in one part of the body, such as in the neck, above the collarbone, under the arms, in the abdomen or in the groin. Unlike Hodgkin lymphoma, which usually spreads in a predictable, orderly way from one group of lymph nodes to the next, NHL doesn’t spread in a predictable way. NHL can spread to almost any tissue or organ in the body through the lymphatic system or the bloodstream"

Read more:

Currently Daniel and Selena are living in Falcon- Venezuela. There is a shortage on medical supplies  in Venezuela due to the Social - Political and Economical issues that are going on. Daniel still requires Radiation, Chemotherapy, Stem Cell Transplantation among many other treatments.

Usually I don't ask for donations - But you do what you can for family and that is what Selena is and by extension her Husband Daniel.
A little bit goes along way. Donations do not have to be huge, little by little you can help. And even if at the time you are unable to make a donation then perhaps share the word.

Daniel and Selena would appreciate it.. and so would I.

Here is a link where you can make your donations and there is a small video and notes Regarding Daniel . -------->Lets Support Daniel

Thank You
