Saturday, 28 March 2015

Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess - A book you don't want to miss!

Back in September I had the opportunity to work with Lauren Elliott. We did an Egyptian Goddess Photoshoot. If you haven't had a chance to take a look at it - DO IT NOW! lol she looks absolutely amazing in these!!!

I remember when Lauren and I were discussing the style of the shoot I joked around and said that I was probably going to need to get her autograph just in case and well I am certainly tempted now to blowup one of my images and getting her to do so!

When you meet Lauren you might be a bit intimidated ( like I was ) - she is absolutely stunning and incredibly fit. So the first thing you do when getting close is breathe in and tuck in your stomach and try to talk lol - at least that is what I do.  I have a friend (Katie Seggie) that has helped in several of my shoots with Lauren and we both agree - She makes you want to hop in front of a treadmill after you see her. But she has achieved these goals through hard work and dedication - And she is human, so with a few bumps along the way and a few struggles as many of us have she has stayed true to her focus and goals.

But above that she is an absolute sweetheart, super funny, an outgoing individual and incredibly motivational - I am so happy to have her as a friend in my life.

SO I am beyond HONOURED that she chose some of the images that we took on our fall shoot for her book - HER BOOK COVER!!! I am beyond thrilled and excited!! And humbled that she chose my images for her cover.

Check it out!!

Here is a small overview of her book taken from Lauren's site:
"Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess is not a flowery, hand-holding self help tome. With relentless optimism, cheeky encouragement, and little patience for excuses, its author pushes readers to stretch their boundaries and comfort zones and choose positivity above all else. Using examples from her own life's struggles and her successful experience in cognitive therapy and other healing modalities, L.K. Elliott challenges readers to “buck up” and take her tried and true advice to make their lives happier." 

So check her Facebook Page here -----> Confessions of an Ex Hot Mess to follow her awesome posts as well to stay in tune for her book release and so much more!

You can also take a look at her website Beauty and A Beast for updates on this ladies amazing journey!

Her book is also on pre - order on -----------> Friesen Press I have mine pre ordered already!!

I sat down with Lauren a couple of weeks back and said that we have to showcase some fierce images of her to reflect the empowered nature that I truly believe she has and also to do some editorial photos. The editorial images I will show in a different post as I am still working on them. But I will take this opportunity to thank Katie for helping Lauren and me with these photoshoots!

Now in the meantime here are a few images of Lauren!
Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

And here is your's truly with Lauren! Katie left before we were able to get these so unfortunately we didn't get a group picture. 

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

Model: Lauren Elliot 
MUA: Vanessa Wennerstrom
Hair: Katie Seggie and Vanessa Wennerstrom

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to stay in touch  -
Also don't forget to share the love!

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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The baby whisperer - Precious Expressions Photography

So this post has been one I have been writing for a long time, in no way am I a writer or a journalist and when having to write about one of my peers well, I have to make sure I do it right.

As a photographer I have several colleagues that I admire. Their work is a constant reminder of where and the kind of photographer I would like to be. Each of them have their own unique style and it is absolutely beautiful. As I carry out this blog I am hoping I have the opportunity to sit down and talk to these incredible photographers and share their success.

This past summer  - yea I know- I was able to talk to Natasha from Precious Expressions Photography - many of you have more than likely seen her work.. Whenever anyone talks about newborn photography in town one of the first names that you hear is hers. At least I have, and if anyone ask's me about a great baby photographer - she is the first name to come to mind. I was also able to take pictures of her - SO INTIMIDATING!!! But I am beyond happy of having the opportunity to take these - and she looks stunning! Throughout this post you will be able to see these photos.

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

As my first interview EVER, it was nerve wracking! so please bare with me.. Originally I wanted to make this post as an actual interview and I have changed my mind several times with it. As you can see it has taken me FOREVER to post this - truth is I wanted to make this a formal interview and now it is all about showcasing the Amazing individual this talented photographer is from my side.

On that day Natasha and I sat down, sipped on some lemon raspberry lemonade and chatted over her journey in becoming the Talented photographer she is today.

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography

Copyright Vintage Blossoms Photography
She as all of us started with little to no knowledge on DSLR cameras, a regular point and shoot was what she had been using before her husband gave her a DSL Camera. Her first DSLR was a Nikon D300 and she learned to use it without the Auto setting since day one. She has now upgraded to a D700 (Nikon).

She has been taking pictures for over five and a half years and has been in the Photography Business for the last 4 years. Her daughters newborn pictures were the first set of newborn photos.  And since then when it comes to trying out new photoshoots and ideas her daughter has been the first ( e. Cake smash)

 As a photographer myself I find sometimes getting impatient, wanting the perfect shot right away and I have learned and still yet to learn that it is practice, practice, practice and that we all start small. 

First set of backdrops that Natasha started were a set of Black sheets and a set of White sheets. And now she has quite a bit of variety of backdrops, floors and accessories for your little ones.

Natasha loves doing Newborn (posed) photography as well as Smash the cake sessions and Maternity sessions. She also does Family sessions (posed) indoor and outdoor. She has been adapting to the Lifestyle sessions and has done a few destination weddings and Trash the Dress Sessions.

While asking her about the types of sessions that she does you can definitely see her love for newborn and maternity." I just love the babies" and referring to the Maternity sessions was " There is always something about talking to the parents and seeing how close they are and how genuinely excited they are - expecting moms feeling beautiful" and for all her sessions " people looking at their photos and enjoying them"  - from our conversation and asking her questions I could see her light up when talking about her shoots and showing her passion for photography and her caring nature for her clients. 

She definitely is a people person, when asked what is it like working with people her response was:
 " I love the interaction with them, and making good connections"

We also talked about photographers that inspire her, and one of the photographers that she mentioned was Robin Long. She lit up again when talking about her experience with Robin, she was able to do 1 on 1 mentor-ship with her in Oregon. "She is an Amazing photographer, not just her work but her personality"

Another photographer she mentioned was Amanda Padgett workshops with her helped her gain full knowledge on using her camera.

It was pretty inspiring for me to do this with Natasha, talk to her about her passion and her love for her clients. She has grown so much as a photographer in the last years. Learned from her experiences and with her ongoing training and workshops she is constantly learning more and more to expand her knowledge in photography. 
Copyright - Vintage Blossoms Photography
One of the main things that she mentioned that day that one that will stick with me for my photography and art is " I am a mom first - I love photography and my business, but i treat it as my passion not my business"

She loves taking photos and is blessed that taking photos is her job - and she is happy.
Thank you Natasha for giving me the oportunity to do this post - and for all of you thank you for taking the time to read and check out some of Natasha's work below! and Remember to check her out on Facebook!

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Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)

Copyright Precious Expressions Photography (Natasha Nicholson)