Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Pêche and Rain

 So as part of this hole Blogging process, I noted that I would try new things. So today I will be talking liquor. Sigh yes, kind of sad that for my first food post I will be talking about booze.

Any-who,  I went to get something to drink a couple of weeks ago. I was mopey and wanted something sweet to sip on while it rained and I had supper with the husband. So I went for the regular, a nice Riesling. And stopped, "didn't I say I would try something new?" - " Sigh, well lets see". I noticed the Growers Peach cider in the fridge and chuckled since the name that I chose for the blog is Peaches and Apricots. So I said why not.

Took a sip, and all I have to say is ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! if you like fruity types of drinks that are not extremely sweet. You have to try it out! Growers also have other kinds of flavors so I'll have to pick a different one next time and see. Or if you try one let us know!

I wont say I am going to make this a regular since you should moderate the amount of drinking but I do like the idea of Pêche and Rain..

Thanks for stopping by
            - V -

Monday, 23 June 2014

Lilacs, daisies and summer..

So for the past little bit I have been wanting to do a photo-shoot that is summer worthy. For many reasons I was unable to do the shoot last year, Procrastination is one of my best qualities. But finally here it is! Concept for this besides SUMMER! is soft dewy looks for the models.. something fresh and perhaps Romantic.. I must say there are so many interesting and  beautiful places in Fort McMurray for photos. <3

Emily Miller

Vanessa Beltran

Taylor Coté

All 3 dresses are from Lulu's. Usually if I am unable to find what I am looking for in town I always go to Lulu's online and find what I am looking for an affordable dress, top, shoes - you name it! tricky thing is sizes. But still definitely a good place to browse and select cute dresses/outfits/accessories/shoes! so check them out!
Headpieces were handmade by yours truly - I will have a DIY post on this later -

 So please enjoy!

Location: Fort McMurray
MUA: Vintage Blossoms Photography
Photos: Vintage Blossoms Photography - Assistance of Philip Wemnerstrom  AKA the husband! thank you for taking photos of me for this post
Edit: Vintage Blossoms Photography
Models: Emily Miller / Taylor Coté  ( thank you both for your assistance!) /Vanessa Beltran

Thank you for Stopping by

           - V -

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Dare To be Different

So when I originally proposed to Emily to go around town and take some photos it was for a completely different shoot that I have been planning for a while now. The day we were headed out before I did her makeup I said to myself " I have been waiting for the perfect moment to start taking the photos for the blog and I keep postponing it for one thing or another, and said why not today"

So then I started taking shirts and leggings out and for the leggings below she looked at them when I was handing them out and said "oh.. mhn I don't think that's going to fit"
I chuckle, because part of it I think its because they look small when you are holding them so she definitely thought they wouldn't fit. But also because I know they are two patterns that she would just not wear! lol - but I asked, and she did
 - Thank you Emily.

Funny enough after seeing the photos and even some comments from that day she noted that she really liked the combinations and that she loved the photos. I personally think she rocked the outfits!

So a little bit about the outfits now:

The first one has a lace blouse from Hot Gossip - Peter Pond mall, I love the lace details in the front and it is has an opening on the back as well - Simply Stunning!

And underneath she is wearing a Crop Top from Drop Dead Darlings (I mentioned before I was going to be including this top in several combinations)

The Fabulous Leggings are from JK Apparel Fort McMurray - Extremely soft and comfortable leggings, you definitely need to check this shop in town!

Finally Shoes - these black spiked booties are from Town Shoes. Shoes in the shop tend to be a bit more pricey but I love the quality and different looks that they have  - if you want that one of a kind item to enhance/complete your look - this is your store! **** when shopping here make sure you have a couple of looks in mind - from your closet! - that you can wear the shoe your going to buy - if you buy them, USE THEM! no point in buying a pair of heels that you will only wear once.

In this picture you are able to see some of the lace detail on the shirt.. love it!

Now to the next outfit!

I ABSOUTELY LOVE THESE LEGGINGS! that's all I have to say!
JK -
So I own a lot of leggings - A LOT! and I think these are my favorite so far. I am not going to lie, sometimes as Emily was for this shot I am scared of wearing them ... lol Love them tho! and I truly believe its because I am in my own way scared of being different.. and letting people see that - Not just with my clothes but with my personality as well..

Anywho, as part of doing this blog is having different women, and myself give advices regarding different aspects and mine today is Be Different! And embrace the fact of being different. so next time you see a women strutting around the leggings below that will be me being different - being me

**Back  to the clothes**
The Crop Top that we have seen a couple of times in this blog now is from Drop Dead Darlings

The Leggings are from JK Apparel Fort McMurray

The Fabulous blue shoes are suede again ( I love suede shoes!!) are from Aldo - we also paired Emily in some nude high heels - Unfortunately in the photos we took you cant see them from all the grass but in case you don't have the bright colored heel you can also pair these funky leggings or any other with classic nude heels if you want to doll it up.


- Buy a pair of shoes that you are able to match with more than one outfit! before going to that till ask yourself " will I be wearing this more than once?"
- If you are buying suede shoes - Please spray them - I think you should with any shoe but particularly the suede ones!!!! If it rains or if there is snow and you are wearing that nice pair of shoe its only going to damage them faster! you want to make sure to take care of them!! and even if it is a non expensive shoe... SPRAY THEM!
- While wearing bright and different patterns make sure to match it up with something neutral (busy at the top/ neutrals at the bottom and vice versa) you can also pair these with bright shoes - just make sure that the color you are choosing is within the pattern that you are wearing!!
 - add some color add something different to your outfit - Dare to be different and embrace it!!! <3

Emily M

Vintage Blossoms Photography

thanks for stopping by

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Its all about the Chevron

This weekend I was able to go out and take photos of a friend.  We took photos of several outfits and the first one that we will be showcasing is this one..

Emily is wearing a chevron maxi skirt from JK Apparel Fort McMurray and the white Crop Top is from DropDeadDarlings as well as the beautiful white earrings.

I absolutely love the chevron skirt from JK Apparel! it is really light and comfortable and you can wear it high waist as we have done with Emily in the picture above or lower on the hips!

I also suggest wearing it with a loose white T-Shirt tucked in the skirt - I have one that was purchased from Old Navy and it is a bit light so I like to wear it with a bandeau in the same color as the chevron to add a bit of color to the top. 

Going back to the image above, the crop top is extremely comfy as well. I LOVE this piece! I can wear it with almost everything long skirts, knee length skirts, jeans, colored pants. **** Of course still making sure it looks great and that it matches with the rest of the outfit! ***** (we will have some pictures later on of the possible combinations with the Crop Top!) - keep an eye out for these!

thanks for stopping by


Photography & Makeup:
Vintage Blossoms Photography

Emily M.

Monday, 2 June 2014

The Start of Madness - 2

So the last post was half done since it was 11:40pm when I was typing and trying to get the first set of notes out. So now, perhaps a bit more calm I am writing the Start of Madness – 2

The main thing I want for this is to:

  • Encourage you to add a bit of Different in your life

  • Talk to everyday women about Life, Fashion, food and activities – and share these story’s with you

  • Approach everyday topics with an honest and direct view – there will be some rambling but I think I’ll be able to get the point across.

  • Talk about Clothes and where to get Amazing combinations that are a bit out of the ordinary but still Fabulous!

So I guess the main things: Talk food – Talk Life – Talk Fashion 
As I carry out with this blog you will see women talk about their day today, their ambitions the ups and the downs and what makes them strive for more in life. Advices that they can provide to you (us) from their experiences and words of encouragement that some of us may need! 

We will be showcasing some fabulous outfits from different Vendors in town and online and will be letting you know where you can get them!! Share the fashion, why not? 
Similar thought with food! Everyone loves a good place to eat and getting feedback on great meals and drinks so I will be trying new foods and letting you know what to try next! As well some of the amazing ladies we will be interviewing will be sharing their favorites as well!
DIY ideas! And the Do’s and Don’ts for these projects! I love to do crafts but believe me I am no expert, so I guess in a way as I learn you will learn to. 
So let’s see how this goes. 

Oh! The reason why I named this and the previous posts as the Start of Madness is because I know it won’t be an easy task to keep up a Blog, I work full time and do photography on the side and have a wonderful family that I like spending time with, plus I have somewhat of a social life as well. But I will be setting targets of notes to post so I can keep it up, some weeks may not have a lot of posts but I will try to at least do 1 per week. 
Also I am NOT a writer, so I will try to make the posts as coherent as possible. So a request for you would be – please be patient. 

So to me it will be Madness - well worth madness

I want to make this as entertaining and informative as I can,
So thank you for those that have read at least these two posts,

And I hope you stick around for all the things stated above to unravel

Thank you