Monday, 2 June 2014

The Start of Madness - 2

So the last post was half done since it was 11:40pm when I was typing and trying to get the first set of notes out. So now, perhaps a bit more calm I am writing the Start of Madness – 2

The main thing I want for this is to:

  • Encourage you to add a bit of Different in your life

  • Talk to everyday women about Life, Fashion, food and activities – and share these story’s with you

  • Approach everyday topics with an honest and direct view – there will be some rambling but I think I’ll be able to get the point across.

  • Talk about Clothes and where to get Amazing combinations that are a bit out of the ordinary but still Fabulous!

So I guess the main things: Talk food – Talk Life – Talk Fashion 
As I carry out with this blog you will see women talk about their day today, their ambitions the ups and the downs and what makes them strive for more in life. Advices that they can provide to you (us) from their experiences and words of encouragement that some of us may need! 

We will be showcasing some fabulous outfits from different Vendors in town and online and will be letting you know where you can get them!! Share the fashion, why not? 
Similar thought with food! Everyone loves a good place to eat and getting feedback on great meals and drinks so I will be trying new foods and letting you know what to try next! As well some of the amazing ladies we will be interviewing will be sharing their favorites as well!
DIY ideas! And the Do’s and Don’ts for these projects! I love to do crafts but believe me I am no expert, so I guess in a way as I learn you will learn to. 
So let’s see how this goes. 

Oh! The reason why I named this and the previous posts as the Start of Madness is because I know it won’t be an easy task to keep up a Blog, I work full time and do photography on the side and have a wonderful family that I like spending time with, plus I have somewhat of a social life as well. But I will be setting targets of notes to post so I can keep it up, some weeks may not have a lot of posts but I will try to at least do 1 per week. 
Also I am NOT a writer, so I will try to make the posts as coherent as possible. So a request for you would be – please be patient. 

So to me it will be Madness - well worth madness

I want to make this as entertaining and informative as I can,
So thank you for those that have read at least these two posts,

And I hope you stick around for all the things stated above to unravel

Thank you

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